You: What is this game about?
We: Scientists discovered a strange new kind of matter where gravity....
You: *zzzz*
We: Okay, okay! Get. Through. This. Platformer. Fast! In German, we call people like you Level Renner.
You:  What the f*** is a Level Renner? I'm not german!?
We: Well, it's like Level Runner but german and a palindrome and palindromes are..?
You: They are symmetric?
We: Exactly!
You: What's the twist?
We: Twist?
You: Well, we all played the one and only original platformer <REDACTED BY NINTENDO LAWYERS>. So, what's the news?
We: Gravity. You just don't fall down into the endless void like <REDACTED BY NINTENDO LAWYERS>, but enter *krkrrkkkrkkrkrrr* 

-beeep, beeep, beeep-

You: Hello? What do I enter, if not the void? What else? Hello? Damn, I need to find out what this is all about.


We are Herzmut!

- Adi 146
- evilc00kie
- Flipez
- Kjarrigan
- iMarv
- Tch1b0

Pixelnoies soundtrack


Download 15 MB


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This is a really cool idea